Sunday 18 July 2010

Not bad for a tee-totaller

Hopefully, this will all make sense. I feel like my fingers are as numb as my mind at the moment...


well, because last night I thought it'd be nice to have a glass of wine. Only took a couple of glasses and I was almost snoring in the chair.

And so, not wanting to be wasteful, thought I'd better finish of said bottle of delicious wine this evening.

WhaHey, it is delicious. Though already feeling teeney weeny bit light headed. Its a good job I walk to work in the morning, the fresh air will help clear my head.

I did think to myself, today I will have a constructive Sunday. So I went and laid down with my book and fell alseep reading. I later took Daisy (my dog) for a walk. That woke me up a bit. Then I thought, hmm, really must stop dollying about and get something done... maybe do a bit more of my radio play? OR continue with one of my short stories and make it longer... Its now just gone 8.30pm and here I am, doing none of the aforementioned thingys.

What next? I know, a nice bubble bath.

My creative writing will have to wait for another day.


Virgin Blog: 'Proper writer'

Virgin Blog: 'Proper writer': "Okay, so I don't have congealed fried egg in my chest hair (which, according to my creative writing tutor, is a pre-requisite of being a wri..."

Saturday 17 July 2010

Creative Writing.

Saturday 17 July 2010 (23:16hrs)

I recently finished a Creative Writing course. It was fantastic.

I met some great people and made some valuable new friends. My tutor was fab. Held my interests throughout. Though I did stuggle with the poetry side of it, but still had fun.

What next? Another writing course of course, ;-)

I've always loved reading, though never really go into reading until I was around 16 years old, since then, the reading door has stayed firmly open. I was adaydreamy kid, preferred having stories read to me. If only I'd made the effort, so many great books to read, more than a lifetimes worth.

Other than reading and writing, I like making things, cakes mainly, yum! And also like crocheting.

When not doing that, I'm looking after my cats and dog Daisy.

Well, enough from me for now, two glasses of wine and I'm starting to feel sleepy.

Books, recently read and currently being read...

Recently read:

Peter James - Dead Tomorrow. (Fantastic!)

Wilkie Collins - The Woman in White. (Brilliant.)

Carole Matthews - The Difference a Day Makes. (Fabulous!)

Betty Hetchman - Dead Men Don't Crochet. - (Great.)

Currently reading:

Carole Matthews - Its a kind of Magic.

Harper Lee - To Kill a Mocking Bird.

An idiots guide to Screenplay Writing.

Shaun MacGloughlin - Writing for Radio.

Katie Fforde & Jane Wenham Jones - Wanna be a Writer.

Creative Writing

Heard blogs were the latest thingy, so here I am, with a blog.